Clean the potatoes & cut off any parts you don't fancy eating, peel first if preffered
Chop up the potatoes & put them into the pan
Add enough boiling water to cover them
Add a pinch of salt, to taste
Simmer until a knife (or skewer) slides into the middle of a piece easily
Pour out water, using the lid to keep them in whilst tipping the water down the sink, careful of escaping steam!
Serve with anything, or even alone, & enjoy
Options- Try using a masher on them & perhaps add a liitle butter or milk beforehand. You can also leave the skins on, then mash them, to make dirty-mash!
To roast them, prepare as before but use an oiledroasting-pan in the oven instead of a saucepan, & no water obviously
Pre-heat oven until hot (220°/425°F/Gas-Mark 7), & put the pan in to heat up the oil
Lay the dry potato pieces around the pan, & scatter mixed herbs across them
Leave cooking but turn over every 15-20 minutes
It will take up to an hour until they are cooked. Check in same way as the boiled versions